Productinformatie "Nuance 850 pasta opaquer"
Nuance 850 is een hoogsmeltend opbakkeramiek voor dentaallegeringen gebaseerd op een 2 fasen leucietglaskeramiek. Deze opbakkeramiek wordt gekenmerkt door een hoge stabiliteit
WUC(warmte uitzettingscoëfficiënt): 13,8 - 15,0 10-6 K-1
5 g
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The intelligent, pure leucite ceramic is extremely adaptable. It exhibits in all natural light conditions as well as with artificial, neon or “disco” light, the living perfection of a natural tooth, even with the thinnest coating.
The universal character of this system makes it possible for you to supply every imaginable prosthetic indication with a single metal.
Your patient is guaranteed to smile happily again.
Your work will become a pleasure. This combines the benefits of the two materials in an ideal way, so that the integration is highly successful, and will remain convincing even after many years.
Technical properties:
- Color stable
- Optimal Vickers hardness
- Simple, safe coating
- Fine particle size, low shrinkage
- Homogeneous and compact surface even after the first firing
- Multiple firing without any loss in quality
- Cast alloy with CTE 13,8-15,0x10-6K-1